Identification of spin effects in the anomalous Righi–Leduc effect in ferromagnetic metals

Da-Kun Zhou, Qing-Lian Xu, Xiao-Qin Yu, Zhen-Gang Zhu & Gang Su

Scientific Reports 10, 11732(2020)-Published 16 July 2020


The emerging of spin caloritronics leads to a series of new spin-thermal related effects, such as spinThe emerging of spin caloritronics leads to a series of new spin-thermal related effects, such as spinSeebeck effect (SSE), spin Nernst effect (SNE) and their corresponding inverse effects. AnomalousRighi–Leduc effect (ARLE) describes that a transverse temperature gradient can be induced by alongitudinal heat flow in ferromagnets. The driving force and the response of the ARLE are all involvedwith heat. It is curious if spin effects mediate the heat transport and provide extra influence. In thiswork, we investigate the ARLE and the interplay between the heat current, charge current, and spincurrent via linear response theory. We identified that spin effects do have clear roles in heat transport,which can be confirmed by phase shifts of voltage output varying with the direction of magnetization.Our formulas fit the experimental data very well. Moreover, we discuss more configuration ofmagnetization which is expected to be tested in the future. It should be emphasized that the presentformalism including spin effects is out of the theory based on magnon transport, which may beconspicuous in the devices within the spin diffusion length.